Why Do Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans Make A Difference?

It is a pretty simple concept. The fresher the better…
Which tastes better: Dinner the night you cook it or leftovers you microwave the next day? In the majority of cases, the most flavorful and appetizing is the hot and fresh meal that you prepared the day of. Though the chemistry is a little different, it is conceptually the same with coffee. To spare you a long dissertation of how coffee beans go through a change in their chemical makeup, we will simplify it.

As the beans roast, they start to release a plethora of aromas and flavors that give your morning cup that mouthwatering coffee taste. This release, however, is a problem in that the natural flavors and aromas actually start to diminish within the beans. Once the beans are roasted and react with the air and humidity, there is a time clock on the freshness. To make matters worse, grinding the coffee accelerates this degradation of the beans, shortening the time clock even further.

This time clock on freshness is exactly why it is so important to drink fresh roasted coffee. Not only are you beating the clock on freshness, you are getting a crisper, more flavorful cup of joe. Keep this in mind the next time you are buying coffee! Even though the coffee at your local grocery store might be cheaper, you are getting poor quality coffee. Even if the coffee is fair trade and organic, if it has been sitting on the shelf, you might be compromising a fresh taste for a few bucks worth of stale beans.