Weak Coffee? Try these 5 tricks to make your next cup slap you in the face!

Trick #1 – Brew Longer!
Let that baby brew! All of the flavor / strength of coffee comes solely from the interaction of heat, time, water and ground coffee. Like tea, the strength of the coffee you make has a lot to do with the amount of time the coffee is steeped. If coffee is not brewed long enough, then you will get WEAK coffee because it does not have enough time to react with the water.
Trick #2 – Use more coffee grinds!
Use more coffee! I’m not saying use a bowl of grinds to make a cup of coffee, but I am saying don’t be light handed! This is one of the most common mistakes people make when brewing coffee.  If you are using a french press,  I  recommend using a full 2 Tbsp for every 6oz of water. If you are using automatic drip brewer use closer to 1 or 1.5 Tbsps per every 6oz.
Trick #3 – Use the right size grind for the coffee maker you have!
Size matters! The consistency and size of the coffee grinds you use is an important factor in coffee brewing. The bigger the grind, the longer the brew time. Know what kind of grind you have and make sure you are using the right brewing method for each! See below brew methods for each specific grind:
Standard/Drip Grind: Pour-Over Drippers, Siphon Brewers, Automatic Drip Coffee Machines
Coarse Grind: French Press & Percolators
Espresso/Fine Grind: Espresso Coffee Machine & Moka Pot


Trick #4 – You need to turn up the heat!
Turn up the heat! The temperature of the water used during brew is a big factor in influencing how weak the coffee will taste. Weak coffee can at times be a result of using water that has cooled.  Scientifically, the ideal coffee brewing temp is 195-205 degrees (25-30 seconds after boil) 
Trick #5  Know your flavor preference!
Don’t just buy coffee for the description! Light and Medium roast coffee tend to be lighter in color, have fruity tones, are highly acidic and can be perceived as not having a bold flavor. If you like that strong, low acidity taste, then move to a dark roast! For more information on roast flavors, see What’s in your cup? Part 3: Know Your Roast blog.